biodiversity in the forestAccording to most, biodiversity and conservation go hand in hand. It is a way to encourage biological diversity so that there will always be a healthy variety of species on the Earth. This includes different plants, animals, and micro-organisms, but also includes much more. Through biodiversity, we can work toward protecting the genes and the terrestrial so that both salt and freshwater ecosystems are preserved for those things to flourish. It is something that is essential to our existence.

Threats to Biodiversity

biodiversityThe unique threats for each area of the world may vary, but most all places suffer through the spread of invasive species into new areas, an unsustainable expectation load that is put on natural resources, and climate changes due to the depletion of our ozone layer. In some areas though, there are also changes to the aquatic environment, and their water flow patterns.

Why It Matters

biodiversity for all creaturesWithout the proper biodiversity, we may lose out on the fundamental necessities that we rely on. These things include fresh water, clean air, food, timber, and even fiber. Without these things available, we would not be able to live on Earth. However, it also goes deeper than that. We rely on plants for many of the medicines that we use today. Even something as basic as aspirin comes from the willow. Nature provides us with everything that we need to thrive. If we take away the things that nature has given us, there will be nothing left for our future generations to rely on. Therefore, it is up to us to start preserving what we can.

What You Can Do

bees and pollinationThere are scientists studying how to keep the biodiversity we depend on going strong. What you may not realize is that you can do things at home. For instance, you can plant plants that produce pollination so that bees and butterflies can spread it around, watch how much water you use and conserve what you can, and avoid toxic pest control chemicals. You can also save the trees on your property, even those that are dead since many species of animals and bugs can make themselves at home in them. In truth, there are a lot of things you can do to help keep our world healthy. You simply have to think before you act.