land trustEach year, conservation reports are published to show how much the effort of science and individuals are paying off. This report is called the Land Trust Report and it talks about the support that is given to the strongest leaders in the conservation movement and how educational efforts are paying off. It also talks about the ways that protected lands are being defended so that future generations will be able to enjoy them, and the animals that can be found in them.

What the Land Trust Does

education on conservationThrough this trust, common, everyday people, like yourself, can learn to do more to help out the world as a whole. You can donate your time and energy to talking about environmental issues, give the land that you are not using so that it can be used as a protected land area, and teach children what it means to conserve the natural resources that we have so that they are there tomorrow.

Does It Succeed?

teach kids to love natureIn order for you to see the full scope of how the Land Trust helps our planet Earth, you need only to look at the reports and see the results. Every year, there are millions of acres of land saved. Some of them are in the places that they are needed the most. If you do not have land to give or sell, you can still make a donation which will be put to good use.